What are some of the hardcore pushups to perform?

One of the most hardcore calisthenic exercises is the push up.  Why are push ups hardcore calisthenic exercises you might ask?  Because it's one of the best exercises for your entire body that's why! Okay, you may disagree with that, but it's true that push ups help build more chest strength as well as other muscles.  Read more about Benefits of the Push up Calisthenic Exercise Here!

 So let's get straight to it, what are some "hardcore" push up calisthenic exercises?
  1. One Arm push ups
  2. Finger Tip push ups
  3. Diamond/Pyramid push ups
  4. The Planche push up
  5. The Hand Stand push up
Let's go into detail for each one:

1: One Arm push ups:
This is a classic feat of bad ass strength. Get into a regular pushup position, with arms about shoulder width apart and your legs straight behind you. Spread your legs by moving one leg away while the other stays in the same position. This will form a triangle between your feet and one of your arms. Put the hand that's not part of the triangle behind your back (or hold it out in the air to help keep balance). Shifting as much of the load as possible to the muscles in your shoulder and back, execute a pushup on the hand remaining. When you start to like it's too much, shift the load to your legs.

Hardcore? Of course!

2. Finger Tip push ups:
This is just as it sounds, push ups on your fingertips! Perform push ups on just your fingers – not your palms.  Not hardcore enough? Advance even further by decreasing the number of fingers used to perform the exercise!

Hardcore? If you're doing it the way the guy is doing it in the picture then that is more like complete insanity. Otherwise, finger tip push ups are very hardcore.

3. Diamond/Pyramid push ups:
Place your body in a straight, horizontal position. Slide your feet apart to approximately shoulder-width. Place your hands together, directly under your sternum, with the tips of your index fingers and thumbs touching. Your fingers and thumb should form sort of a diamond or triangle shape. This push up focuses a lot more on your triceps.

Hardcore? Moderately. But try it as an elevated push up or other various forms and it starts getting more hardcore.

4. The Planche push up:
Let's just say this variation of the push up is.. insane.  This monster push up requires both tremendous upper body strength and balance because it is a push up that you do without letting your feet touch the ground! You practice for this push up by gradually going from the standard push up position to slowly inching your hands down towards the center of your body, close to your stomach.  You can then start using a wall to help balance your feet as your body adjusts to the exercise so that over time, you can do this push up in good form without any wall for assistance.  FYI Legs can be practiced further apart as you see in the picture, however, it is more difficult to have the legs together.

Hardcore? "One" word: HELL-YES.

5. The Hand Stand push up:
Here's another insane push up variation.  What do you need before attempting to do this otherwise you'll break your head? You need to have a good handstand!  Aside from the obvious necessities of balance and strength, you'll also need to practice!  You can start by performing the exercise on a wall and gradually learning to come off of it as you get better.

Hardcore? 10/10 Definitely YES - dropped-my-pants.
So there you have it, 5 hardcore push up variations as an alternative to the traditional (and boring) bench press.  Honestly, if I could do 3-5 good-form Planche or Handstand push ups I could care less about benching 400 or 500lbs! I am much more impressed by those who can do Planche or Handstand push ups.

Seriously, if exercises like this don't pump up your chest, then fine - go back to the bench press. 

I also think push ups are more applicable in our day-to-day life because of all the muscles it involves just like other calisthenic exercises.  Whereas, bench pressing is done mainly for aesthetic reasons to pump up the chest and to show off how much you can lift.  I don't see the bench press indirectly targeting the quads, do you?  Push ups are amazing and you can read more about the Benefits of the Push up Calisthenic Exercise Here.